Mother’s Day Kindle Countdown Deal + a Mother’s Day Wish for all Who Celebrate
May 6, 2024AnnouncementsKindle promotionsWinter has waned, and spring has ushered in baby birds, sprouting flowers accompanied by pollen here in Georgia but we take the bitter with the sweet. More importantly, we will be honoring and celebrating our first love. Our dear mothers. What could be better than sharing a cup or ...Read More
Swallow Books Is Looking for Teacher Stories
January 18, 2024UncategorizedAre you a teacher with a story to tell? Whether a former educator or currently in the classroom, I want to hear from you! Based on the success of HUMANS IN THE WILD, I'm looking to duplicate the same magic in collected works about being a teacher. This "bite ...Read More

Thanksgiving Offering: Mama’s Soft & Buttery Yeast Rolls
November 10, 2022Helpful TipsrecipesLike this recipe? Find more in Martha MccCray Wallace's food memoir, A Sampling of Life, One Taste at a Time.Read More

Kindle CountDown Deal for the Best Beach Read Ever!
June 7, 2022AnnouncementsKindle promotionsOn Wednesday, June 9, THERE ARE FAIRIES AT THE BOTTON OF OUR GARDEN is only 99 cents all weekend long. Author, Erin Evans tells us why. June 7th 2022 Today would have been mom's 70th birthday. I can picture her smiling in between sips of fresh margaritas ...Read More

Spring 2022 Brings New Swallow Books to Press
May 13, 2022AnnouncementsBook ReleaseArt by Steve Sibra Spring has been a busy season for Swallow Publishing, bringing two writers’ books to press: Fabiyas MV in March, and Steve Sibra in April. The books are Being Human, a collection of short stories and THIS MONTH’S NEW RELEASE, Shoes for Baby: Some Poems, available ...Read More

Our Sweet Food Memoir about Life & Love is Free the Week of Mother’s Day!
April 29, 2022Kindle promotionsFREE the week of Mother's Day! Makes a great gift for moms who love to cook...Read More

Official launch of print edition, August 3
August 2, 2021AnnouncementsBook ReleaseIt took a while, but the cover is finally perfect. Order your print edition of this gorgeous book today!Read More

‘Christmas in July’ sale for our bestselling memoir!
July 19, 2021AnnouncementsKindle promotionsOur most recent release, THERE ARE FAIRIES AT THE BOTTOM OF OUR GARDEN is a real pot boiler. According to our Kindle data, over 2.000 pages of this true story have been read so far, with those figures climbing every day. Given the popularity of the book, and the ...Read More